Scientists Have Answered the Question: If a Tree Falls in the Forest, Does it Make a Sound?

For as long as humans have existed on the Earth, death has been mankind’s most wide-spread fear and it comes from a complete lack of understanding. The only thing we know for certain is that one day it will happen to everyone, despite anything we do to avoid it. Logic says otherwise, but some little piece of you wonders if you might retain some level of consciousness while your body undergoes an autopsy, is buried or cremated. No one is guaranteed a long life and peaceful death, even then there’s no assurance it won’t be painful. What if ghosts exist and you become one? Will you be reunited with all your loved ones in the afterlife or next life?
According to the theory of a biocentric universe, our knowledge of death may be so limited because it’s only an illusion to begin with. This idea was put forward in 2007 by biologist, Dr. Robert Lanza. Dr. Lanza is currently one of the leading scientists in the world and was named one of TIME Magazine’s 100 Most Influential People in the World in 2014. His biocentricism theory is based in quantum physics and claims life creates everything in the universe, as opposed to the universe creating all life inside it. His ideas also suggest space and time do not exist in any true sense, rather they are mental tools used by humans and animals to help make sense of the world around them. In the absence of space and time, it is impossible for death, in the way we know it, to exist. We picture living beings as having bodies, and because bodies do in fact die, we view the death of a body as an end of life. Lanza claims death is an illusion caused by our conscious acceptance of it as fact. He compares souls to perennial flowers: living and dying, only to come back again, without ever really leaving at all- just temporarily dormant between their life cycles. Biocentrism favors the multiverse theory, which states the universe we live in is one of many, and every possible outcome to every possible situation is taking place in one of the finite or infinite parallel universes contained within this multiverse. Therefor, even though we experience death in this universe, there is another universe in which our life continues. It all sounds very similar to the teachings of Joshiah, and entity who speaks through Bub Hill and claims to be from one of these parallel universes. Joshiah was featured in a previous article [click to open ‘Joshiah: We Are the Creators of Our Universe’ in a new page] as well as additional information regarding the multiverse theory. Could it really be possible that when we die we travel to another dimension where our life may continue, uninterrupted? Unfortunately, to reach a conclusion, someone would have to shoot themselves in the head no less than 22 times. You may have heard of quantum suicide, a hypothetical experiment that explores the possibility of a multiverse. In this mental experiment, a person is placed in a room with a gun held to their head. The gun would preferably be rigged to a probability generator to ensure each time the gun was fired, there would be a 50% chance it would go off, killing the participant, and a 50% chance nothing would happen. Following the initial pull of the trigger, the chance of survival would drop another 50% with each time. On the second pull there would be a 1 in 4 chance of survival, 1 in 8 on the third, and so on. By the 22nd shot, there would only be a 1 in 4,194,304 chance the participant would still be alive. At this point, scientists agree, the probability of survival would be so low that if the subjects has lived, it would be definitive proof of the multiverse. Unfortunately, even then only scientists in one universe would experience this outcome. Even if someone survived the 22nd shot, proving the existince of a multiverse, there is always a (highly unlikely) chance that the outcome would just be a fluke, or a “false positive”. With no way of knowing the whether or not the results are correct, without a doubt, there will always be die hard skeptics who will dismiss the evidence, and whoever was lucky enough to fire a gun at their head 22 times and live, would have done it all in vain. However, scientists can gain some insight into our universe by performing the quantum suicide experiment, mentally. For instance, it has been determined that as far as the experiment’s participant is concerned, no matter how many times the trigger is pulled, it will never release a bullet. To the observing scientists, the 50% chance of survival and 50% chance of death remains constant. Assuming the researchers were to witness the death of their participant during the experiment, the person firing the gun will only hear the click of an empty round. Regardless of the true outcome, the participant will always end up alive, in some reality, traveling through levels of the multiverse into a new demintion in which they continue to live, in the event of their perceived “death”. In the opinion of Dr. Robert Lanza, the way we observe the universe relies entirely on who is observing it. An example of this idea would be a colorblind person who knows “grass is green”. Although he or she understands it is “green”, the color being observed is completely different from what a person with normal vision would perceive as green. Still, there is no way to know whether individuals with “normal” vision observe all colors identically, or if we’ve only been taught to associate certain words with the color we do observe. My “green” could be more of a blue to you, whereas your “green” could be my pink. Evidence to support the theory that observation relies on the observer is demonstrated in the double-slit test. In this test, scientists shot a large number of individual particles through a solid object with two slits. A particle is a very tiny bit of matter, the substance that, as we understand it, comprises every solid object in our universe. Whatever you’re sitting on is matter, your computer is matter, you are matter. Imagine a particle as being a basketball- like any other solid, it needs an opening to pass through. When you try to get a basketball through the hoop, you will either succeed and the ball will pass through the opening at the bottom of the net, or the ball will hit the rim, bounce off,  and land outside the net. You know if the basketball hits the rim, it has to either go in the net or not. It is impossible for the solid ball to pass through the solid rim, allowing the ball to land inside and outside of the net, simultaneously… or is it? When scientists conducted an experiment on this same basic idea, using many individual particles (tiny bits of matter), their results were astounding. When many particles are shot at another solid object containing a small slit, they should leave a sort of residue behind in the form of a line. This line is a visual imprint of the area the particles passed through. Its comparable to painting over a stencil of an “A”. If done correctly, when the stencil is removed, the painting surface should reveal a copy of the “A” cut out of the stencil, and nothing more. When this experiment is done with two slits, there should be two of these lines created by particles. Some of the particles will choose to go in the first slit, others will choose to go in the second, with these two slits being the only locations to exit. Astoundingly, when scientists viewed their results, they found residue which appeared more like a barcode (many lines of varying sizes). This means the particles traveled in a way which is impossible for matter to travel- they traveled in two waves. It was proof that each individual particle had traveled through both slits simultaneously. Finding this incredibly peculiar, the experiment was carried out again and again. Finally, a device was used to measure the movement of the particles and determine exactly which slit they were going through, or how they were able to move through both at once. Scientists discovered, when observed, the particle was forced to make a decision, causing the particles to create two lines of residue as had been expected of them in each previous experimentation. In continuing research, it was found that if the particles were under observation, they behaved as a particle, but if their activity went unobserved, they behaved as a wave. The results prove matter can act as either a wave or a particle, based on what our consciousness perceives them to be. Once again, this should absolutely not be possible, and it is a very strong piece of evidence in support of the theory that the universe behaves as it does, simply because we observe it. The double-spilt test has answered the age old question, “If a tree falls in the forest, and no one is around, does it make a sound?” with, “Only if it wants to.”.
Dr. Allen Hugenot believes this fact may even influence the outcome of scientific experiments. Hugenot is an architect/engineer and Naval Captain who claims a ‘believer’ and a ‘skeptic’ can conduct the same experiment and receive opposite results due to the way in which the two individuals perceive consciousness. One instance of this can be seen in the case of Professor Daryl Bem, a ‘believer’, who in 2010 conducted an experiment to test the legitimacy of phsychic abilities. His results concluded, without a doubt, information can be shared by way of a collective consciousness. Afterwards, a ‘skeptical’ professor replicated Bem’s tests, this time producting opposite results. According to both professors, there is no way to explain the incredibly varied outcome of the two identical and in-depth experiments. [click here to learn more about Daryl Bem’s experiment] Hugenot, who experienced a near death experience in the 1970s claims the place he went was, “more real than this place” and believes all of human consciousness, every piece of knowledge that exists in the universe is stored in “The Cloud”. If youre picturing the virtual “Cloud” where data can be stored, downloaded onto any device, the place all celebrity’s nude photos come from, then you’re on the right track. Hugenot’s Cloud is basically the same, only your soul is stored there along with every other living being’s… So really, its exactly the same. He believes when a person suffers a near death event, they go to The Cloud to escape whatever trauma they are experiencing. This idea lines up with stories of many people who claim to recall past lives and/or between-lives. One of them is Cade, [read his story in its entirety in a new window by clicking here] a boy who remembers his death in the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Centers. He insists our souls are huge, dark, swirling masses that reach out to the sky, and come out the top of our head’s in what can best be described as a funnel cloud, of sorts. Dr. Hugenot is convinced this Cloud exists somewhere within dark matter or dark energy, which accounts for up to 96% of our universe. But what exactly are dark matter and dark energy? No one knows. In fact, we only are aware it exists because of the gravitational effects it has on the tiny, 4% of our universe we have the ability to observe. We know it does exist and we know it isn’t just baryonic matter. Baryonic matter is just the good old fashioned matter we all know and love (or thought we knew until we found out about its little double-split incident), its able to emit and absorb light. Dark matter cannot; However, it can scatter light from nearby stars, which scientists believes causes a “glowing” effect we can see surrounding most galaxies. Unfortunately, there is no way to be certain if this is caused by dark matter, or other sources in space. In the 1930’s Fritz Zwicky began measuring how the galaxies move. He found the galaxies should not be moving the way they were unless the universe contained more mass than scientists were aware existed- a lot more mass. You see, the less mass there is, the less gravity. All the baryonic mass we can understand with our five senses that exists in the universe only accounts for 15% of the gravity in our universe. The remaining 85% is left entirely unexplained. Fortunately for all life on Earth and anywhere else, dark matter is there as the illusive glue that keeps our universe intact. Dark matter has also been observed through the Bullet Cluster, two galaxies which were pulled together by gravity. Galaxy clusters contain 100,000,000 degree gasses which account for most of the mass within the galaxies. Without mass produced by these gasses, there would not be enough gravity to keep the stars in the galaxy in place. When the two galaxies we refer to as “The Bullet Cluster” collided millions of years ago, their two gas clouds became one. So much friction was created when the two dense pockets of gas came in contact with one another that their motion slowed significantly. Surprisingly, the stars in the two galaxies, which should have slowed down as well, traveling with the gas, just kept going. When all was said and done, the enormous single gas cloud remained in the middle, while the two galaxies ended up on either side of the gas. In theory, the galaxies need this gas surrounding them to remain in tact. Due to the fact that the galaxies did remain in tact, void of their gasses, we know there has to be some other form of mass out there creating gravity to hold the galaxies together: Dark matter. In the 1990s, astronomers understood our universe is expanding, which left us two options: the universe is so dense it will one day stop expanding and collapse, or “crunch”, which will kill all life in a giant, fiery implosion or, its not so very dense and will go on expanding, eventually slowing due to gravity, and we will all freeze in an ice age of apocalyptic proportions. When scientists decided to research which horrible end all life on our Earth will meet, they learned our universe is not slowing in its expansion, its accelerating. The baryonic mass in the universe wants to be together. If two planets, stars or galaxies (or in the case of the Andromeda Galaxy and Earth, a galaxy and a planet) come too close to one another, their gravitational pull will cause a collision. The only way to make sense of this accelerating expansion of the universe is with dark energy. Today, the general belief is that dark energy and baryonic matter repel one another, and we have dark energy to thank for the peace of mind that our universe is rapidly accelerating in its expansion and as far as we know, will not be coming to an end anytime in the foreseeable future (which in science, is several billion years).
The universe we live in was born about 14 billion years ago in an event known as, “The Big Bang”. As far as we know, before, there was nothing. If all observations really are dependent on an observer, who observed The Big Bang? When presented with this question, Alan Hugenot replied, “Consciousness, man”, took a huge rip from a bong, and returned to his research. In all seriousness, it is possible “God” is just a personification of all human consciousness, which created our universe in the beginning and continues to expand upon it today.

Learn more about Dr. Robert Lanza and his research
Learn more about Dr. Alan Hugenot and his research
Learn more about Daryl Bem and his research

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